Digital Drama’s short film Silk, Satin & Suffrage has been selected for the 2018 IWM Short Film Festival, which will showcase 28 shortlisted films that present challenging, inspiring and experimental responses to past and contemporary conflict. The free Festival, taking place at IWM London from 25-29 October 2018, presents documentaries, dramas and animations by student, amateur and professional filmmakers.

Helen Upcraft, IWM Short Film Festival Director, says: “We’ve been really impressed by the quality of this year’s entries, and it was a real challenge to create the 2018 official selection. The festival programme covers a huge range of topics, from the Spanish Civil War to Suffragette Banners, explored through many genres including animations, dramas and factual documentaries. We are very excited to be a part of the Making A New World season with our Special Category focusing on films exploring the First World War.”

Digital Drama Producer Alison Ramsey, who won the Short Film Festival’s Best Use of IWM Archive Material with the film Deeds not Words: Suffragette Surgeons of WWI in 2017, says: “The award has been great for our production company Digital Drama. Seeing our winning film tour venues across the country as part of Women’s Work 100, a programme led by IWM’s First World War Centenary Partnership, has been amazing. Furthermore, I feel that the award has helped raise our profile as filmmakers because it really is a marker of quality in the field.”

Watch Alison’s shortlisted film for this year Silk, Satin & Suffrage opposite and visit the project website.

Further details of the IWM Short Film Festival: